MyDraw Documentation
File Formats / File Formats Overview
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    File Formats Overview
    In This Topic

    MyDraw can load and save drawings in many popular file formats. The following table illustrates the drawing file formats currently supported by MyDraw and whether they can be used to load drawings, to save drawings or both.

    File Format Load Save Notes
    MyDraw XML Drawing (NDX) The default native MyDraw format. Preserves all formatting and information.
    MyDraw Binary Drawing (NDB) Native MyDraw format. Preserves all formatting and information.
    MyDraw XML Drawing Template (NDTX) Native MyDraw format. Preserves all formatting and information. Used as a template for new documents.
    Visio Drawing (VSDX) The drawing format used in Visio 2013 and newer.
    Visio 2003-2010 Drawing (VSD) The drawing format used in Visio 2010 and older. MyDraw does not support drawings created with Visio 2002 and older. 
    Visio 2003-2010 XML Drawing (VDX) A XML based drawing format used in Visio 2010 and older. MyDraw does not support drawings created with Visio 2002 and older.
    AutoCAD Drawing Interchange (DXF) Imports the AutoCAD drawing in a shape with the default AutoCAD dark gray background.
    Exports only the active page of the drawing.
    Enhanced Metafile (EMF and EMF+) Exports only the active page of the drawing.
    ESRI Shapefile (SHP) A popular file format that contains vector map data commonly used by geographic information system (GIS) software.
    Genealogical Data Communication (GEDCOM) Creates an empty file if no family tree shapes are present in the diagram. For more information check out the Family Tree Diagrams topic.
    Portable Document Format (PDF) Exports only the active page of the drawing.
    Raster Images (BMP, PNG, JPG, GIF, TIFF) Diagrams cannot be loaded from raster images, but raster images can be inserted in a diagram by opening the Insert ribbon tab and clicking the Image button or by configuring the fill style of a geometry to be of type image fill. Save exports only the active page of the drawing.
    Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Exports only the active page of the drawing.
    Web Page (HTML) Exports the whole diagram to a single HTML page. If the diagram has multiple pages, tab navigation is added to the resulting HTML page.
     Libraries (Stencils)

    MyDraw can load and save libraries (stencils) in many popular file formats. The following table illustrates the library file formats currently supported by MyDraw and whether they can be used to load libraries, to save libraries or both.

    File Format Load Save Notes
    MyDraw XML Library (NLX) The default native MyDraw library format. Preserves all formatting and information.
    MyDraw Binary Library (NLB) Native MyDraw library format. Preserves all formatting and information..
    Visio Stencil (VSSX) The library (stencil) format used in Visio 2013 and newer.
    Visio 2003-2010 Stencil (VSS) The library (stencil) format used in Visio 2010 and older. MyDraw does not support stencils created with Visio 2002 and older.
    Visio 2003-2010 Xml Stencil (VSX) A XML based library (stencil) format used in Visio 2010 and older. MyDraw does not support stencils created with Visio 2002 and older.