MyDraw Documentation
User Guide / Shapes / Connectors
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     Connect two shapes

    To connect two 2D shapes you can use the Line or the Connector tool. These tools are in the Home tab of the Ribbon. Once you’ve selected the connector type you would like to use, click on a port of the shape you want the connector to start from, then drag the mouse cursor to a port of the shape you want the connector to end at.

    When the mouse is over a port or the contour of a shape, it will highlight in red, indicating a valid point for the start/end of the connector. The following image shows the result of using the Line tool to connect a rectangle and an ellipse.

     Connector splitting

    You can split a connector into multiple parts when moving an existing or dropping a new 2D shape over a 1D shape or end-point. The result of the operation is visually highlighted so that the user knows whether connector splitting or automatic connection to the end-points will occur.

    The following images illustrate 1D Shape splitting:

    Before splitting:

    After splitting:


    For 1D Shape splitting to occur the following conditions must be met:

    1. The moved 2D shape CanSplit property needs to be set to true (which is the default).
    2. The target 1D shape to be split splitting needs to have its Splittable property set to true.
    3. Both the begin and end points of the 1D shape need to be outside of the moved 2D shape bounds.

    The CanSplit and Splittable properties can be modified from the shape properties – layout tab.
    1D Shape splitting can be globally disabled by the Page – Interaction – Enable 1D Shape Splitting setting. By default, 1D Shape splitting is enabled.

     Automatic connection to 1D Shape end-points

    The following images illustrate the automatic connection to 1D Shape end-points:

    Before automatic connection:

    After automatic connection:

    Automatic connection to 1D Shape end-points automatically glues the connector's begin point to the dropped 2D Shape.

    For automatic connection to 1D Shape end-points to occur, the following conditions must be met:

    1. The moved 2D shape must be over one of the end-points
    2. The respective property in the Page – Interaction (i.e. Enable Connect Begin Points or Enable Connect End Points must be set to true).
    3. The target to the1D shape needs to have its Splittable property set to true.

    The automatic connection to 1D Shape end-points feature can be globally disabled by the Page – Interaction – Auto Connect To Begin Points and Auto Connect To End Points settings.

    See Also

    Arranging Shapes