MyDraw Documentation
User Guide / Shapes / Arranging Shapes / Automatic Layouts
In This Topic
    Automatic Layouts
    In This Topic

    MyDraw comes with many automatic layouts that can help you arrange the shapes and connectors of your drawing automatically in order to get esthetically pleasing results and more compact diagrams.

     Layout types

    MyDraw provides three main types of automatic layouts:

    • Box layouts - arrange only the 2D shapes of a diagram without taking into account the connectors. Usefull when you want to order a bunch of not connected shapes in a tabular manner for example.
    • Graph layouts - arrange both the 2D shapes and the 1D shapes (connectors) of a diagram. Useful for wide range of diagrams. Handles well and produces nice drawing of all kinds of connected diagrams.
    • Tree layouts - arrange both the 2D shapes and the 1D shapes (connectors) of a diagram. Can be regarded as a special case of the graph layouts optimized for tree diagrams, i.e. diagrams in which each shape has only one parent, except for the root shape, which does not have a parent shape.

    The main type of the layout is indicated by its icon in the "Layout Type" combo box as shown in the image in the next section.

     Apply a layout

    To apply an automatic layout to the selected shapes or to all shapes in the active page of your drawing click the Layout button from the Arrange ribbon group of the Home tab. The following dialog will open:

    You can choose the layout you want to apply from the "Layout Type" combo box. When you select a layout a preview will open to the right, so that you can get an idea how the layout will arrange your shapes. You can change the settings of the layout from the controls that appear in the "General" tab page. All setting changes will immediately reflect in the preview so you can easily see their effect on the layout.