This is a free Thanksgiving Calories infographic template to show the number of calories each meal adds and how to burn them out. The template is an example of how to balance your meals while spending quality time with your family during the Holiday season. The template is a 100% customizable and you can edit every aspect of it with a few simple clicks in MyDraw.

Thanksgiving is a time for family, friends, football, and feasting. The average American will consume a hefty 3,000 calories on Thanksgiving -- for dinner alone. Do you wonder whether you burn calories during your usual Thanksgiving activities? You can check on that and work a little more activity into your day.
Burning out the Thanksgiving calories
- Enjoy a Thanksgiving Walk.
- Run a local Turkey Trot.
- Walking and shopping Black Friday through Cyber Monday.
- Choose Low-Calorie Thanksgiving Recipes.
- Eat Less at Thanksgiving Dinner.
- Snack Smart.
- Make careful choices about booze.
- Fill your plate once.
This is a basic Thanksgiving Calories infographic, which can be customized from the Thanksgiving day shapes library.