DatabaseAmazon AuroraAmazon Aurora light bgAmazon DocumentDB with MongoDB compatibilityAmazon DocumentDB with MongoDB compatibility light bgAmazon DynamoDBAmazon DynamoDB Attribute light bgAmazon DynamoDB Attributes light bgAmazon DynamoDB DAX light bgAmazon DynamoDB Global Secondary Index light bgAmazon DynamoDB Item light bgAmazon DynamoDB Items light bgAmazon DynamoDB light bgAmazon DynamoDB Table light bgAmazon ElastiCacheAmazon ElastiCache Cache Node light bgAmazon ElastiCache For Memcached light bgAmazon ElastiCache For Redis light bgAmazon ElastiCache light bgAmazon NeptuneAmazon Neptune light bgAmazon Quantum Ledger Database QLDBAmazon Quantum Ledger Database QLDB light bgAmazon RDSAmazon RDS light bgAmazon RDS on VMwareAmazon RDS on VMware light bgAmazon RDS PIOPS light bgAmazon RedshiftAmazon Redshift Dense Compute Node light bgAmazon Redshift Dense Storage Node light bgAmazon Redshift light bgAmazon TimestreamAmazon Timestream light bgAWS Database Migration ServiceAWS Database Migration Service Database Migration Workflow light bgAWS Database Migration Service light bgDatabaseDatabase light bg |
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