

American Mammoth Jackstock

American Mammoth Jackstock

The American Mammoth Jackstock was developed beginning in the earliest days of the United States, and it has been an integral part of American agricultural history. Mammoth Jacks are sturdy and tall, with massive legs and large, well-made heads. The ears are especially long, often measuring 33' from tip to tip. Selection has always been made for size and substance. Traditionally, males were expected to stand at least 14.2 hands (58') high at the withers and females 14 hands (56'). Many animals were taller than this. The weight varied with the height and ranged between 900 and 1,200 pounds. Black used to be considered the only suitable color for the breed, as black Jackstock bred to Percheron mares produced dark colored mules that were easy to match as teams.


The Andalusian is a large donkey, averaging 150–160 centimetres (59–63 in) at the withers, and of medium length. The head is of medium size, with a convex profile; the neck is muscular. The coat is short and fine, and soft to the touch; it is pale grey, sometimes almost white. The Andalusian is strong and sturdy, yet docile and calm. It is well adapted to the hot and arid conditions of its native environment.
Andalusian Donkey

Andalusian Donkey

The Andalusian is a Spanish breed of the domestic donkey. It is native to the province of Córdoba in Andalusia. The Andalusian is a large donkey, averaging 150–160 centimeters (59–63 in) at the withers and of medium length. The head is medium size, with a convex profile; the neck is muscular. The coat is short, fine, and soft to the touch; it is pale grey, sometimes almost white. The Andalusian is strong and sturdy yet docile and calm. It is well adapted to the hot and arid conditions of its native environment.
Balearic Donkey

Balearic Donkey

The Balearic donkey is similar to the Catalan breed, but smaller and with lighter bone.Jacks stand about 1.45 metres and weigh about 360 kilograms, while jennies stand about 1.35 m and weigh about 330 kg. The coat is black or nearly black in colour, shading to pale on the belly, muzzle and surround of the eyes
Cotentin Donkey

Cotentin Donkey

The Cotentin Donkeyis a breed of domestic donkey from the Cotentin peninsula. It is found mainly in that region but is distributed through much of northwestern France. It was used as a pack animal in agricultural work, mainly for carrying milk churns; it is now used in leisure sports and tourism. Cotentin Donkey jacks stand about 1.20–1.35 meters (47–53 in) at the withers, and jennies about 1.15–1.30 m (45–51 in). The coat is dove grey, with a well-defined darker dorsal stripe and shoulder stripe; the legs may show zebra striping. The lower part of the muzzle is grey-white, as is the belly.


The Turkmenian kulan are herbivorous mammals. They feed on herbs, shrubbery and plants. Most of their liquid comes from food, although often traveling at water sources, especially when breast-feeding their offspring. The mare lives with foals in small herds. The dominant stallion defends the surrounding areas to the water sources and tries to mate with any females that come close to drink. The mare, after a gestation period of about a year, gives birth to a single foal that stays with her mother for the first two years of life. The scorching heat of the Central Asian deserts makes the Transcaspian wild ass mostly active at dawn and dusk when temperatures are milder. The kulans, like most onagers, are one of the fastest land mammals and can run at high speed of 70 km/h
Miniature Mediterranean Donkey

Miniature Mediterranean Donkey

Miniature Mediterranean Donkeys are a separate breed of donkey originating from the islands of Sardinia and Sicily. Now almost extinct in their native land, these diminutive little animals are a popular pet in the USA, especially in the southern states. Approximately 700 have been imported into the UK from North America and are fast becoming very popular here in Great Britain. The most common color is grey dun with chocolate highlights. Other colors include brown, black, slate grey, sorrel, spotted, piebald, skewbald, and cream.
Zamorano Leones

Zamorano Leones

The Zamorano-Leonés is a large donkey, with a massive head – the breed standard speaks of 'manifest acromegaly'. Jacks stand on average 145 cm, and weigh 370 kg. The coat is long and shaggy, black or dark bay in colour; the belly, muzzle and surround of the eyes are pale-coloured. Jacks were in the past used mainly for the production of large mules for agricultural work