Brainstorming ShapesAngry![]() Appointment![]() Attention![]() Bullseye![]() Bullseye Hit![]() Check![]() Cloud![]() Cog![]() Cog 2![]() Coin![]() Delete![]() Done![]() Examine![]() Exclamation![]() Flag![]() Flashy Star![]() Frowny![]() Green Light![]() Highlight![]() Idea![]() Info![]() Medal![]() Medal 2![]() NB![]() Not Done![]() Not Todo![]() Note![]() Notepad![]() Pause![]() Pencil![]() Puzzle![]() Puzzle Piece 1![]() Puzzle Piece 2![]() Puzzle Piece 3![]() Puzzle Piece 4![]() Puzzle Piece 5![]() Puzzle Piece 6![]() Puzzle Piece 7![]() Puzzle Piece 8![]() Puzzle Piece 9![]() Question![]() Rainbow![]() Red Light![]() Smiley![]() Star![]() Star Flash![]() Stop Sign![]() Task![]() Thunder Cloud![]() Time![]() Todo![]() Trash![]() Urgent Stamp![]() Warning![]() Yellow Light![]() |
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