MyDraw Documentation
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    Set Operations with Shapes (Union, Intersection etc.)
    In This Topic

    MyDraw features shape set operations. When overlapping two or more shapes in the drawing view and selecting both of them, the set operations in the Action ribbon bar tab, in the Compose group, will become available.


    The following image is a base image before set operations have been used on the shapes contained therein:

    Set operation options include four options, including:

    Union: This option merges all shapes together into one shape with one contiguous outline. For all intents and purposes, including settings and usage scenarios, it is one shape.


    Intersect: Intersect will leave only the area that each shape of those selected overlapped each other.


    Subtract: This option will subtract all shapes from the topmost shape in the group. In our example, as the triangle was on top, only pieces of it are left. For stacking order, refer to Z-Order.


    Exclusive Or: Exclusive or will remove areas of overlap in the case of an even number of objects overlapping an area, i.e. 2, 4 or more object areas overlapping. In the case of an odd number of overlapping object areas, such as 3, the overlapped area will be preserved.