MyDraw Documentation
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    Page View
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    In the View ribbon tab, there are a number of settings which you can use to manipulate the drawing area view how you see fit. The default page view is as shown:


     Show/Hide Page Elements

    In the Show area of the View ribbon tab, there are 5 checkbox settings which change the visual aspect of the drawing area. They are:


    Grid: This setting, when checked, shows the grid pattern in the drawing area.

    Guidelines: When activated, any guidelines you have made will be visible

    Page Breaks: Shows finely dotted lines at the edge of what would be a printed page

    Ports: Shows the ports on all shapes in the drawing area

    Rulers: When activated, the horizontal and vertical rulers will be shown


     Change page margins

    To change the size of the current page, right click somewhere in it and from the context menu that appears, select Page Properties. The page setup dialog will open.  To change page margins, go to the Page Layout tab. In the Page Margin group, you can specify each size for the margin and a unit - cm, mm, dip, in, pt.