MyDraw Documentation
In This Topic
    Keyboard Shortcuts
    In This Topic

    MyDraw comes with extensive support for keyboard navigation and keyboard shortcuts for executing commonly used diagram commands. The sections below describe the supported keyboard shortcuts divided into different sections based on their actions.

    Note that most keyboard shortcuts for Windows use the Ctrl modifier key, while the equivalent shortcuts for Mac use the Command modifier key.
     File Commands
    • Ctrl / Command + N - creates new drawing
    • Ctrl / Command + O - shows a dialog for selecting a drawing and opens it
    • Ctrl / Command + S - saves the current drawing to file
    • Ctrl / Command + P - prints the current drawing
     Edit Commands
    • Ctrl / Command + X - cuts the selection
    • Ctrl / Command + C - copies the selection
    • Ctrl / Command + V - pastes the contents of the clipboard
    • Delete - deletes the selected shapes
    • Ctrl / Command + A - selects all shapes
    • Escape - deselects the selected shapes
     Arrange and Transform Commands
    • Arrow Keys - move selected shapes
    • Ctrl / Command + H - flip horizontal
    • Ctrl / Command + J - flip vertical
    • Ctrl / Command + L - rotate left
    • Ctrl / Command + R - rotate right
     View Commands
    • Ctrl / Command + [+] - zoom in, you can also use Ctrl / Command + Mouse Wheel
    • Ctrl / Command + [-] - zoom out, you can also use Ctrl / Command + Mouse Wheel
    • Ctrl / Command + 0 - zoom to 100%
    • Ctrl / Command + G - show/hide grid
    • Ctrl / Command + B - show/hide page breaks
    • Ctrl / Command + R - show/hide rulers
    • Ctrl / Command + L - show/hide guidelines
    • Ctrl / Command + Alt + P - show/hide ports
     Tools Commands

    The shortcuts below activate one of the drawing tools:

    • Ctrl / Command + 1 - activates the pointer tool
    • Ctrl / Command + 2 - activates the draw rectangle tool
    • Ctrl / Command + 3 - activates the draw ellipse tool
    • Ctrl / Command + 4 - activates the draw line tool
    • Ctrl / Command + 5 - activates the draw cubic bezier tool
    • Ctrl / Command + 6 - activates the draw arc tool
    • Ctrl / Command + 7 - activates the draw elliptical arc tool
    • Ctrl / Command + 8 - activates the draw connector tool
    • Ctrl / Command + 9 - activates the create text tool