MyDraw Documentation
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    In MyDraw groups are a special kind of shapes that can aggregate other shapes. For example the following is a group that aggregates 3 shapes - a square, a circle and a triangle:

    Groups support drill down selection, which means that you can select a shape within the group by first clicking on the group to select the group and then clicking on the particular shape within the group to select it.

     Group shapes together
    To group two or more shapes together, you should select them and then click on the Group button from the Action ribbon tab or press Ctrl+Shift+G from the keyboard. You can group not only shapes but other groups as well. When a set of shapes are grouped together they will act as one shape, which means that you will be able to easily rotate and/or resize all of them at once.
     Ungroup a group of shapes
    If you want to ungroup a group of shapes, click the group to select it and then click the Ungroup button from the Action ribbon tab or press Ctrl+Shift+U from the keyboard.