MyDraw Documentation
User Guide / Text / Automatic Text Fields
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    Automatic Text Fields
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    There are four automatic text fields available for insert in a text box. They are -

    Hyperlink: Allows the user to insert a hyperlink into the text field, including the hyperlink text, url, and target frame when clicked.

    Date: The Insert Date and Time dialogue window box will pop up, giving the user a list of date and time formats to insert. The checkbox near the bottom of the dialogue window box Update Automatically will have MyDraw update the date and/or time in this field automatically.

    Time - The Insert Time dialogue window box will appear giving the user a list of time formats to insert. The checkbox near the bottom of the dialogue window box Update Automatically will have MyDraw update the time in this field automatically.

    Field - Allows the user to create an advanced field variable area within a text box. The Insert Field dialogue window box will appear with a choice of field type, the format for the type, predefined formats per type, a preview pane, and an explanation box below.