MyDraw using 100% CPU in macOS 10.14

Steven W Falces
Steven W Falces
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This began in v3.9 and continues in v4.0
It is so heavily using the CPU that the mac heats up and runs its fans full speed.
  • It lags in mouse clicks versumouse position; it does register the button click, but only after a delay of about 1 second. Likewise, the button release is delayed. Meanwhile, the mouse cursor on screen is behaving normally (no lag). This results in drag-select really screwing up, and in dragging objects getting missed and/or dropped in the wrong place.
  • Typing a text item, I can see the screen fall behind - sometimes by up to several seconds - and then catch up as I wait, jaw dropped.
  • Modifier keys (Command, Shift, etc) are often ignored. Cmd-P (for print), for example, thinks I'm pressing only "p".
  • Even when totally idle for many minutes, the CPU is running hot. It drops back down as soon as I quit MyDraw.
The above occurs regardless whether I have the external monitor connected or not.
This may be a particular drawing that I'm making. I created it 100% in MyDraw (v3.9), and it is 133KB in size (is that large? the drawing doesn't seem super-complex).

MyDraw 4.0.0 build date 7/16/2019
macOS 10.14.5 on MacBookPro mid-2015

Ivo Milanov
Ivo Milanov
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Hi Steven,

It is possible that the drawing that you have created somehow creates ciclic dependencies, which cause the MyDraw evaluation engine to loop indefinitely.
This is not your fault of course, but we will need the drawing that causes this problem (or a part of it) in order to try to fix the problem.

Best regards,
MyDraw Support

Steven W Falces
Steven W Falces
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Ivo Milanov - 7/18/2019
Hi Steven,

It is possible that the drawing that you have created somehow creates ciclic dependencies, which cause the MyDraw evaluation engine to loop indefinitely.
This is not your fault of course, but we will need the drawing that causes this problem (or a part of it) in order to try to fix the problem.

Best regards,
MyDraw Support

Hi Ivo, yes, I should have attached my drawing in the first post - I just hadn't figured out how.
Since this forum doesn't allow .ndx files to be attached to posts, I renamed the attached file. To use it, after downloading it, change its file extension from ".txt" to ".ndx"

PS - the file is somewhat larger now than when I first posted, due to continued work on it despite the gnarly CPU problems; it still behaves just asbadly.
TXT-to-NDX.txt (632 views, 130.00 KB)
Steven W Falces
Steven W Falces
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Ivo Milanov - 7/18/2019
Hi Steven,

It is possible that the drawing that you have created somehow creates ciclic dependencies, which cause the MyDraw evaluation engine to loop indefinitely.
This is not your fault of course, but we will need the drawing that causes this problem (or a part of it) in order to try to fix the problem.

Best regards,
MyDraw Support

Ivo, (second reply)
I think I have identified at least one component (or set of components) in my drawing that are causing a problem in terms of CPU usage. The component is in the attached drawing (remove the ".txt" from its filename to use it).
I copied this from the drawing that I put in my first reply , andpasted it into the attached, smaller file named CircularDep.ndx. When I open CircularDep, the CPU utilization on my mac shoots up.
Any hints on how to avoid causing this in the future?
Thanks - Steve
CircularDep.ndx.txt (604 views, 15.00 KB)
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Hi Steve,

Thank you for your cooperation - we will look at the file and let you know what we found...

Best regards,
MyDraw Support

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Hi Steve,

The problem is caused by one of the connectors. We will try to resolve the problem for the next service pack or minor/major release.

Best regards,
MyDraw Support

Steven W Falces
Steven W Falces
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Moderator - 7/22/2019
Hi Steve,

The problem is caused by one of the connectors. We will try to resolve the problem for the next service pack or minor/major release.

Best regards,
MyDraw Support

Thanks for the reply and for looking into the solution. -Steve

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