When using a laptop disconnected from external monitor an error modal appears off screen and cannot...

When using a laptop disconnected from external monitor an error modal...
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Posts: 2, Visits: 15
Hello kind folk,
The other day I was trying to use the software on a laptop. The last time I had used MyDraw before this instance the machine was connected to an external monitor. For some reason there was a need for an error modal to appear. However, as the laptop was not connected to the external monitor the modal was not visible, nor was it able to be "tabbed" to. This rendered the software unusable until I was able to once again able to connect to the external monitor. As I was on the road I created what I needed with Microsoft Powerpoint until I was able to reconnect to an external monitor.
Can I suggest if the modal is to appear there is a test to ensure the current display screen dimensions are checked to position the modal correctly rather than rely on whatever information may be kept in cache. For information the modal in question is attached.
Kind regards,


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