MyDraw Visio® Compatibility

MyDraw Compatibility with Microsoft Visio®

MyDraw is designed to be functionally compatible with Microsoft Visio®. Ultimately MyDraw aims to be the perfect Microsoft Visio® alternative and further extend its capabilities. That is why MyDraw can open and save Microsoft Visio® drawings and stencils and have a similar user interface and features.

MyDraw functional similarities to Microsoft Visio®

MyDraw is designed to be functionally similar to Microsoft Visio®. If you know the basics of Microsoft Visio®, then you already know the basics of MyDraw – it too supports features like multiple pages, smart-shapes, routable connectors, snap and glue, grid and rulers, drawing scale and many other.

This makes it possible to leverage your existing Microsoft Visio® knowledge when migrating to MyDraw.

MyDraw can import Microsoft Visio® drawings

Import Visio
MyDraw can import Microsoft Visio® drawings in .vsdx and .vsd formats. Drawings imported from Microsoft Visio® are with nearly 100% identical shapes geometries, ports, text formatting, logical connections, and many others. We have also tried to preserve the resize and other smart behaviors of 2D and 1D shapes where possible.

This makes MyDraw the perfect viewer for any Microsoft Visio® drawing.

MyDraw can export Microsoft Visio® drawings

Export Visio
MyDraw can export drawings in Microsoft Visio® .vsdx format. Drawings exported to Microsoft Visio® are with nearly 100% identical shapes geometries, ports, text formatting, logical connections, and many others.

This makes it possible to share your MyDraw drawings with users that use Microsoft Visio®.

MyDraw can import Microsoft Visio® stencils

Import Visio Stencils
MyDraw can import Microsoft Visio® stencils in the .vssx and .vss formats. Stencils imported from Microsoft Visio® are with nearly 100% identical shapes geometries, ports, text formatting, images, etc.

This makes it possible to use existing Microsoft Visio® stencils directly in MyDraw.

MyDraw can export Microsoft Visio® stencils

Export Visio Stencils
MyDraw can export stencils in Microsoft Visio® .vssx format. Stencils exported to Microsoft Visio® are with nearly 100% identical shapes geometries, ports, text formatting, images, etc.

This makes it possible to use MyDraw for the authoring or editing of Microsoft Visio® stencils.