MyDraw Automatic Layouts

MyDraw Automatic Layouts

MyDraw's strong support for automatic layouts helps you perfectly arranged your diagrams quickly and easily. Automatic layouts are truly indispensable for anyone working with large diagrams or diagrams imported from various data sources. MyDraw features the following automatic layouts:

Basic Layouts

These layouts do not take into consideration how the shapes are connected. These layouts include:

Stack Layout

Stack Layout
It helps you arrange the shapes either horizontally or vertically. Has options for fitting and filling into the layout area.

Wrap Flow

Wrap Flow Layout
The wrap-flow layout places the shapes one after the other until the shapes can fit in the arrange area - then it starts a new lane (i.e. wraps the boxes).

Table Flow

Table Flow Layout
The table flow layout places the shapes one after the other in lanes. All lanes are having a user-specified number of maximum boxes. The shapes insides the lanes are arranged in a table-like fashion.

Graph Layouts

Graph layouts take into account the shape connections to create a graph from your drawing. This graph is then arranged by the layout algorithm. Graph layouts can be applied to any drawing.

Layered Graph Layout

Layered Graph Layout
The layered graph layout aims to highlight the main direction of flow within a directed graph. Nodes are placed in hierarchically arranged layers. Additionally, the number of edge crossings is small. This layout algorithm is very appropriate for hierarchically organized diagrams, organization charts, etc.

Orthogonal Graph Layout

Orthogonal Graph Layout
The orthogonal layout produces drawings in which all edges are drawn as sequences of horizontal and vertical segments. The layout offers great improvements in the readability of the graph by maintaining a minimal number of edge crossings, a minimal number of bends, and a minimum area of the final drawing.

Radial Graph Layout

Radial Graph Layout
The radial graph layout algorithm layouts the graph in concentric circles. The vertices with no predecessors are placed in the center and their descendants are placed on the next circle and so on. It produces a straight line graph drawing.

Single Cycle Graph Layout

Single Cycle Graph Layout
The single-cycle graph layout arranges all graph vertices on a single circle, trying to minimize the number of edge crossings.

Spring Layout

Spring Graph Layout
A force-directed layout, which represents each connector as a spring, and each vertex as an electrically charged particle repelling all other vertices.

Symmetrical Layout

Symmetrical Graph Layout
A force-directed layout that uses attractive and repulsive forces, which aim to produce a drawing with a uniform distance between each set of connected vertices. Because of that, the drawing tends to be symmetrical.

Tree Layouts

Tree layouts take into account the shape connections to create a logical tree from your drawing. Tree layouts are useful when your drawing represents a certain hierarchy - for example an organization chart, hierarchy chart, UML class diagram, etc.

Compact Depth Tree Layout

Compact Depth Tree Layout
In the compact depth tree layout, the depth spacing between a parent and a child vertex is always equal. This ensures that the tree drawings produced by this layout are compact in depth.

Tip-Over Tree Layout

Tip over Tree Layout
The tip-over tree layout produces tree drawings, in the children subtrees of a tree vertex, which are arranged in either a single row or a single column. The children's placement can be specified on a per-vertex basis.

Balloon Tree Layout

Balloon Tree Layout
The balloon tree layout arranges each subtree in the tree in a "balloon" like fashion.