Electrical Symbol ShapesThis is a detailed list of all Electrical Symbol Shapes used for creating circuit diagrams available in MyDraw: BatteryGroundChassis GroundEquipotentialityEquipotentiality 2CapacitorCapacitor 2Capacitor 3Trimmer CapacitorVariable CapacitorDiodeSCRZener DiodeTunnel DiodeVaricapSchottky DiodeShockley DiodeConstant DiodeGunn DiodeLEDPhoto DiodeLampSPSTSPDTBJTNPNBJTPNPResistor USPotentiometer USResistorPotentiometerRheostatThermistorLDRPreset ResistorFuseFuse 2Fuse 3IndicatorTransformerVacuum DiodeJfet PJfet NMosfet Depletion N ChannelMosfet Depletion P ChannelMosfet Enhancement P ChannelMosfet Enhancement N ChannelDarlington PairSziklai PairKlip SelTriacAerialDiacFrame AntennaLoop AntennaANDORNOTNANDNORXORXNORCrystalCircuit BreakerTransducerThermocoupleOscillatorAC SourceDC SourceLatchThermopileStraub GaugeTouchplateResonator 2 PinResonator 3 PinBridge RectifierOp AmpHeaterMotorGalvanometerOscilloscopeBellBuzzerSpeakerPhotocellPentodeTetrodeTriodeDiode 2GeneratorGlowtubePhototube |
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