Where do I find those pretty looking shape used in template?

Ellie Alexander
Ellie Alexander
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- 6/29/2018
Hi Folks,

Forgive me if this question's answer is somewhere inside another discussion/manual, I have failed to find it so far, so I though I would save myself some time and try to get your generous help.

I really like those shape from network diagram used in template. in fact, those pretty look is one reason I decided to get a license of mydraw.  But when I try to build a fresh diagram the shape come with the network shapes section doesn't look anything like those on the template.  

I have so far failed to find anywhere to find these pretty looking shape.  anyone would let me know how I can enable these better looking shape?

Many thanks.


Thank you for your question and please excuse us for the delay response.
The Network Templates have been made with imported Visio Stencils and they aim to represent the ability for seamless importing of Visio Stencil that MyDraw allows.
These and many other symbols libraries can be found, downloaded, and used in MyDraw, at VisioCafe.
Hope this helps.
Edited 6 Years Ago by Ellie Alexander
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Hi Folks,

Forgive me if this question's answer is somewhere inside another discussion/manual, I have failed to find it so far, so I though I would save myself some time and try to get your generous help.

I really like those shape from network diagram used in template. in fact, those pretty look is one reason I decided to get a license of mydraw.  But when I try to build a fresh diagram the shape come with the network shapes section doesn't look anything like those on the template.  

I have so far failed to find anywhere to find these pretty looking shape.  anyone would let me know how I can enable these better looking shape?

Many thanks.


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